About us
Notaris Houtepen is situated at Stratumsedijk 99 in Eindhoven. Our team consists of civil-law notaries Dirk-Jan Houtepen and Nicole Wedemeijer, notarial/clerical assistants Yvonne van Lierop, Barbara Prins and Nienke Boere, and telephonist/secretary Wendy van Leuven.
Our office [foto’s kantoor buiten en binnen] is open Mondays through Fridays from 8.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Of course, we can arrange an appointment after regular opening hours or at your home, if required. Do contact us, with no obligation.
After having been appointed civil-law notary in 2000, Notaris Houtepen succeeded civil-law notary Pigmans. The deeds and documents of former civil-law notaries Van der Pas and Pigmans, executed prior to 1999, are stored at the Central Archives Depository in the city of Winschoten. The deeds that were executed by former civil-law notary Pigmans after 1 January 1991 are kept at the office of civil-law notary Houtepen.
Who is who…

Dirk-Jan Houtepen
Dirk-Jan Houtepen set up his firm Notaris Houtepen at Stratumsedijk 99 in Eindhoven on 1 January 2012. Here he assists his clients with their notarial questions on buying a house, cohabitation, inheriting and doing business. His enthusiasm is catching. The Legal Association Eindhoven and the Lions Club Den Elzent benefit greatly from his commitment, as Dirk-Jan enjoys to roll up his sleeves for these organisations.